Spot Squid
What we do
Spot Squid is here to help you fill your cancellations quickly so you can get back to tattooing.
Tattooing is your passion, and we believe that should be what you spend most of your time doing—not answering emails and messages from people who want to get their tattoos done.
That's why we started Spot Squid—to help tattoo artists focus more on tattooing and less on email and messaging.
When someone calls in sick or backs out at the last minute, you lose money. It's not fair, it's not fun, and it's not good for your stress levels.
We've built Spot Squid to help you manage your existing contacts and stay busy by filling cancellations as fast as possible. Our goal is to give you tools that allow you to focus on the one thing that matters: Tattooing!
Make more money with less hassle with Spot Squid
How we’re different
Social media is changing. After spending years building a following, they're more than happy to charge you to reach your audience, or not show your contentn unless you're publishing video or whatever the new hype is to please their algorythym.
Don't rely on social media to fill cancellations on short notice. Let Spot Squid handle that.